
Install Postgresql

Postgresql is amongst the safest Open Source databases. Rock solid and simple to maintain - year after year. In my case it is used both as a "lookup" database (static contents) and as a "real" database (CRUD contents). The lookup database should be on localhost, but the CRUD database can be on another VPS. Note that Upcloud can connect to this "external" database by a local IP address. Every VPS on Upcloud has 2 IP-addresses. The internal IP-address can be reached only from another VPS not reachable from the outside internet.

It is not necessary to install Postgresql if you intend to only host a static web site.

1. Login to Webmin and install Postgresql

You can install Debian's "default" version of Posgresql from Un-used Modules by one click. I recommend that not use the "module configuration" as it is unpredictable.

Install Postgresql

Refresh Modules to reach the Webmin Postgresql Manager

Refresh Modules
3. Add postgres role as a sudoer

To execute sudo command the postgres must be a "sudoer"

usermod -aG sudo postgres

To check postgres it is saved as sudoer - do this command

getent group sudo

And finally update everything...

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
4. Set password for your postgres admin role

To keep Postgresql safe enough you ought to add a safe password.

Change to user postgres and psql

sudo -u postgres psql

Set password for user postgres

\password postgres

Check the new password

psql -U postgres -W

If necessary - quit

5. Tell Postgresql to "listen" for outside calls

You can use Webmin > Tools > File Manager to find /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf

Right click on the postgresql.conf and select edit. Then uncomment by erasing the "#" and enter an asterisk (star). This means that Postgresql is listening on the default port 5432 and to all incoming calls.

listen_addresses = '*'

Restart Postgresql

6. Restrict some access in pg_hba.conf

The pg_hba.conf file is used by PostgreSQL to determine which clients are allowed to connect to the server and which authentication methods should be used for each client. You can look at this file as a second firewall.

You can use Webmin > Tools > File Manager to find /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf

Right click on the pg_hba.conf and select edit. Replace the default settings with this suggestion (make your own settings).

# TYPE          DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS             METHOD
local   	all             postgres    	                    peer
hostssl 	all             all              md5
local   	all             all                   		    peer
host    	all             all           md5
host    	all             all             ::1/128             md5

Restart Postgresql

7. Check if port 5432 is open

Open the Terminal on your computer and check if port 5432 is open on the VPS and Postgresql is listening on this port.

nc -zv 5432 

To administer Postgresql I recommend pgAdmin4 installed on your local computer. You can add Postgresql servers, monitor activities and interact with the databases.

8. Install pgAdmin4 on your computer

Here is the link to download pgAdmin:

Install pgAdmin